What WE DID:
- Custom designed, manufactured, and assembled a safe flight control actuation system to provide both horizontal stabilizer trim actuation and roll boost functionality on a unique commercial space vehicle.
- IE-09 safety requirements and extreme environment conditions
- Low rate initial production.
The Environments:
- Air
- Space
The challenge requirements:
- Application had numerous, extensive custom performance and environmental requirements that were equal to or greater than that of traditional commercial aircraft.
- Actuation system was created such that no single event could prevent mission completion.
- Structurally and dynamically redundant.
Our approach:
- Partnered with our costumer to understand and meet all known requirements.
- Designed using clean-sheet concept that evolved to space ready hardware.
- Utilized a disciplined approach for requirement analysis and creative actuation design.
- Extensive system reliability and safety through fault tree analysis.
The Solution:
- An electrically, structurally, and dynamically redundant design that ensures safety.
- Innovative actuator that meets the needs of an unprecedented vehicle and application.
We are inventive, flexible, creative, and adaptive