Case Study

Horizontal Stabilizer Trim and Roll Boost Actuation for a Captive Carry, Multi-Purpose Vehicle


Component Description

Linear electromechanical actuator for flight control actuation on a multi-purpose vehicle.

What WE DID:

  • Custom designed, built, and manufactured a safe flight control actuation system to provide both horizontal stabilizer trim actuation and roll boost functionality for a unique captive carry vehicle.
  • IE-09 safety requirements and extreme environmental compliance.
  • Low rate initial production.

The Environments:

  • Air

The challenge requirements:

  • Application had numerous, extensive performance and environmental requirements that were equal to or greater than that of traditional commercial aircraft.
  • System must be qualified such that no single event could cause catastrophic structural separation.

Our approach:

  • Methodical approach to requirement definition and analysis.
  • Partnered with our customer to ensure that all safety and environmental requirements were understood and met.
  • Utilized unique architecture to achieve safety level compliance.

The Solution:

  • An electrically and dynamically simple system with structural redundancy to ensure that no single failure could cause catastrophic structural separation.


We are inventive, flexible, creative, and adaptive


Ingenium worked closely with the client to deliver a successful, high-quality product. Ingenium is proud to be at the forefront of commercial space flight and tourism.

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